
How low did I go?

It has been stated that while a low GPA is not great, evidence of improvement over time is regarded very highly in an applicant. Unfortunately, for me, my low GPA can be attributed to a slow and steady decline from year 1 to year 4. I'm sure that's going to look more than fantastic to the admissions committee.

Here's the problem, I'm not sure if my overall GPA is low enough to warrant extra explanation in an optional essay. Pretending that I do the optional essay, I'm not even sure what I could say that wouldn't make me look worse than my application already does.

Dear AdCom, I know that it may seem that I started abusing alcohol instead of attending class my grades have steadily declined over my time at school, but as I moved into my later years, I had to spend more time drug running on extracurricular activities to pad my resume invigorate my potential for being well-rounded. How much will it cost me to get you to admit me? Thank you.

posted by mbahunt @ 4:58 PM,


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