
Can you write 43 recommendations for me?

Nobody I work with currently knows that I'm interested in applying to b-school. I would prefer to keep it that way, especially if I bomb this little process and end up with a big ol' goose egg come next April. Unfortunately, I guess I'm going to have to let my boss it on my little secret if I want some recommendations from him. I've been formulating strategies for this, and here are my top winners so far.

1. Alcohol solves many things.
I could take him out to happy hour, get him really sloshed and then spring my need for some letters on him. Perhaps, I could even bring my laptop and have him write them right there at the bar. Grammar and punctuation would suffer, no doubt, but I'm willing to bet that the AdCom would appreciate the emotional honesty. Why did this guy say "I love you, man" 14 times in this rec?

2. I have a hot sister.
Listen, before you start judging, I'm no pimp. This would only include some harmless lap dancing and open-mouth kissing. (All legal where I'm from.) I figure she could seduce him in his office and then while he's distracted by her gyrations, I'll ask him for the recs. I saved her from her last pimp, so she owes me big time.

3. People are always willing to help those in need.
We're getting to a rather intense stage in our project, so people are starting to stress out a bit at the office. Maybe I could fake a heart attack during a rather dramatic part of a meeting and while the paramedics cart me off, I could ask him to write the letter to help me achieve one of my dreams before it's too late. As an added bonus, I bet I could score some sweet painkillers before the ambulance leaves me on the side of the road because I've been wasting their time.

posted by mbahunt @ 2:41 AM,


At 12:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what if you did a combo of 2 and 3???


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