
Maybe I should be studying for the GMATs instead.

I started to prematurely draft my first essay, mainly just to gather some ideas around one of the general essay questions. I feel that most applications have some from of the prompt, "Describe a time where you exhibited leadership," so I figured that I could probably use a derivation of this essay for more than one application. I started writing about the time I pledged to partner with the WHO to form an organization to help treat orphaned children in Ethiopia. It brought back a lot of hard memories, but I knew that this would be a fine topic to write about, especially since my second child was adopted from Ethiopia. Hopefully, this would show both my leadership and my humanitarian side.

When I finally sobered up and realized that I wasn't writing an essay at all, but just reading the wikipedia entry on Angelina Jolie, I was kind of bummed because I thought the essay would have been killer. I became more bummed when I realized that my proudest exhibition of leadership was probably that time I made everyone do shots of tequila at a seedy bar that gave us all hepatitis from touching the bathroom door handle.

I tried to back up a step and just brainstorm a list of all the times I managed to con or cry my way into a leadership role and seeing how my list was about 2 items long (including the above example), I understand that I may have to take a slightly different approach to this than I thought. I do not have as many applicable, professional leadership experiences as others, so perhaps I need worry less about the magnitude of my leadership and focus more on the effect it had on those around me.

posted by mbahunt @ 10:23 PM,


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