
Not so bad after all.

Turns out this GMAT thing isn't so bad after all. It took a couple hours of "ohhhh, yeahhh... that's how that works again," but I'm getting more questions right than I am getting wrong. Don't laugh. I count that as a moral victory, and after enough moral victories you usually get a bittersweet sense of good effort and unrealistic, but unachieved goals.

I still can't seem to read a question properly worth my life, but I knew I'd have that problem from the start. Apparently, you have to read every word of each question to give the right answer, but I think that takes too long and would rather choose randomly from the 5 choices in a premature and chaotic fashion.

One of the biggest problems I'm having is with the Data Sufficiency section. I am often replacing the question "Is there enough information to solve w + x = 43?" with "Does w + x = 43?" I'll do the problem with the given info, find the answer to be no, and then triumphantly slam the circle that says Statement (x) is not sufficient, not realizing at all that I've answered the question. You tricky GMAC bastards!

posted by mbahunt @ 2:25 AM,


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