
Done, done, done, done, done.

Oh god, I'm done. Because these applications had prevented my from partaking in any of my vices for the past few months, the first things I did after I submitted my final application was shot Jaeger, clubbed a baby seal, had sex with an amputee, organized a bulldog fight, punched an old woman dressed up like an infant and then downloaded some MP3s. Man, did that feel good.

When all was said and done, I'm pretty happy with 3 of my 5 applications. The first two I did weren't as good, but they served as learning lessons. Too bad my dumb ass had to spend $500 for that learning lesson, so when little Bobby wonders why he doesn't have shoes or breakfast, he'll know that Daddy is a procrastinator and wastes money on grad school applications.

Now, I wait. I'll at least have one interview, since Kellogg interviews everyone, but I'm really hoping I have at least 3 by the time the end of February comes around. I feel like if I can land 3, my chances of getting into one school are pretty good, as my interview would probably be the strongest part of my application. If my charm and sweet-talking doesn't bowl the interviewer over, my stunning good looks will.

<bull shit>I want to wish everyone out there the best and hope you all get interviews and perform wonderfully in front of the adcom.</bull shit>

posted by mbahunt @ 12:31 AM,


At 12:58 AM, Blogger M* said...

I just happened to come across your blog. I am a junior in college right now and have always had my sights set high on a masters program. I found your blog really entertaining. At the moment I'm trying to decide whether to do a 5-year masters & undergrad program at the school I'm at now or if I want to change schools so my degree is a bit more prestigious. Also trying to decide if I want to take time to work between undergrad and masters. Any advice, send it my way. :o)


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