
A well thought out decision.

It has been decided that I will apply to the following schools:

1. Harvard
2. Wharton
3. Kellogg
4. Chicago
5. Stanford
6. Michigan
7. Dartmouth

This was a very deliberate and thought out decision that took me at least 25 minutes to conclude. I'm not really sure why I waited so long to decide this, because I knew deep down inside I was just going to wait until BusinessWeek came out and announced their rankings for this year. It looks like I have more than a little work to do for the "Why this school?" essay.

A pretty sweet graphic was shown in the magazine's issue, though, as it ranked the top 10 and bottom 10 for average amount of years to break even. The 10 schools you will earn your investment back fastest? No name schools you'd never think of. The 10 schools that will take you forever to earn back? Only the best 10 in the nation. At MIT, the average tuition plus living expenses plus 2 years of foregone pre-MBA salary is a measly $324,305. With an average salary premium betwenn pre-MBA and post-MBA earnings is $21,500. At that rate, your average Sloan MBA takes 15.08 years to break even financially.

I really admire those who are going to Sloan, because they truly love the art of business. God knows they're not doing it for the money.

posted by mbahunt @ 10:29 PM,


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